People from Antwerp -Antwerpenaars- proudly consider their home to be a global city, but one that maintains the atmosphere of a village. Upon arrival, you will immediately be struck by the majestic train station. Antwerp Central is also called the Middle Station or the ‘Spoorwegkathedraal’: the ‘Railroad Cathedral’.
Situated on the Astridplein, this magnificent architectural gem consists of a steel platform roof and a stone station building. The architect was inspired by architectural icons such as the Pantheon in Rome. Due to the impressive eclectic style of architecture, the station has been repeatedly chosen as one of the most beautiful train stations in the world.
Antwerp is a human-sized city; the majority of the most fascinating tourist attractions are walking distance from each other. A guided walk through the city is also the perfect way to get to know Antwerp. During the tour, the guide illustrates the rich history of the city and the diverse points of interest along the way. The old inner city breathes history with hidden pearls such as the garden of the Museum Plantin-Moretus and the Vlaeykensgang alleyway. The Museum Plantin-Moretus is the only museum in the world to have been included on the UNESCO World Heritage list.
A visit to Antwerp without seeing the Cathedral of Our Lady is unthinkable. The cathedral is an enormous treasure trove with different artworks by artists including Peter Paul Rubens, the world-famous Baroque painter from the 16th and 17th centuries. After twenty years of restoration, the seven-aisled church is once again shining in all its architectural beauty. Eye-catching pieces include Rubens’s The Elevation of the Cross and The Descent from the Cross.
After the cathedral, you’re further immersed in the world of Rubens as the guide leads you to Rubenshuis, the former home of Rubens. In this imposing house, you’ll see masterpieces such as Adam and Eve and Rubens’s famous self-portrait.
Of course, your tour is not complete without tasting the Antwerp ‘handjes’ biscuits and the Elixir d’Anvers liquor. But when your visit is complete, your guide returns you to the Central Station to take the train back to Brussels Central.
Tuesday 6 September 2022 | 9:30 |
Wednesday 7 September 2022 | 9:30 |
Thursday 8 September 2022 | 9:30 |
Duration of the tour | 7 hours |
Price per person | €70,00 per person |
Please note that this tour will only be organized if there is a minimum of registrations. An alternative date will be proposed, or you can request a reimbursement.