Kaat Goorts
Kaat Goorts was born on November 17, 1993 in Leuven (Belgium) as the middle child of three. She finished college (math-sciences), at ‘Montfortcollege’ Rotselaar, in 2011. After college, Kaat went to the ‘sociale hogeschool’ to study social work. Then, she started universitary studies in Leuven, where she graduated as a social scientist in 2016. In 2016, she successfully applied for a research project at KU Leuven. From September 2016 until June 2020, she worked as a PhD student at the Department of Public health and Primary Care, Environment and Health (KU Leuven) under supervision of Prof. Dr. Lode Godderis. She became certified windsurfing trainer in 2017 and graduated as a social statistician in 2020. She went to Australia to validate her study results at the University of South Australia (Adelaide) from September until December 2019. She got the chance to participate in many national and international congresses where she presented her work. She also assisted master students Biomedical Sciences and Health policy with their thesis. In 2020 she started as a freelance research consultant at the Belgian Defense. She is working on different topics considering health and wellbeing of the military personnel such as sick leave and return to work.