Abstract submission is closed as of 31 March.
All submitted abstracts will be sent for peer review by a panel of experts in the respected field of expertise per theme. Each abstract will be reviewed and scored by at least four independent reviewers. The scores will then be submitted to the members of the Scientific Program Committee, who will determine which abstracts are accepted and for which format.
The date and time of each presentation will depend on the session to which the abstract is allocated.
If the first author wishes to withdraw the abstract from ICMM 2021 World Congress after outcome notifications have been made available, he/she must submit a written request at the latest for 30 June 2022. Any abstract withdrawal requests made after this date cannot be assured of removal from the ICMM 2021 World Congress Abstract Book.
All accepted abstracts, including Late-breaking, will be published online only in the ICMM 2021 World Congress Abstract Book.